The Yiyuan Garden with more than 3,000 trees seems to have a mystic and reassuring magic. The strong vitality displayed by the old trees and the well-planned facilities make the 13-hectare park combined with a humanistic classroom of nature and education.


Featured Holidays –

Exquisite, diverse & comfortable

~YiYuan Resort

Local & delicious food

~YiYuan Resort

Explore the nature & culture

~YiYuan Resort

Relax and live a wonderful holiday

~YiYuan Resort

Relax and loosen of wonderful holidays

Cultural Cuisine on the Spot

Exquisite Great Food in Eastern Taiwan

- Come to Yiyuan to enjoy local and rich delicacies of Eastern Taiwan -

~Yiyuan Resort

– News

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  • 環保愛地球專案 適用期間:2022/01/01-2022/12/31 【訂房須知】 ***此專案為響應環保旅宿,不提供一次性備品,請自行準備個人盥洗用具,且續住......

Plan a beautiful journey of intellectual and sensibility